Captain America Shield Cake

My son has a buddy from school, who is a HUGE Captain America fan. He always has a Captain America shirt on, has Captain America toys, dressed as Captain America for Halloween last year, and even wore the same costume again this year for my son’s birthday party. It did not matter to him that the costume was a little high on the ankles…all it meant was that ‘Captain Cohen’ had a growth spurt. 🙂

So when his mother requested a Captain America cake from me, I was more than happy to oblige. He has a dairy allergy, so I opted for a Vegan Vanilla Cake recipe I always turn to for him, which is definitely one of my favorite cake recipes overall, due to its extreme moistness and texture. It really IS a yummy cake, and to make it a little extra special for him, I added a fresh strawberry swirl into the cake batter. I hope he and his wonderful family enjoyed it….I definitely enjoyed making it!

On the menu for this Sugar Shindig: a Vegan Vanilla Cake with a fresh strawberry puree swirl, covered in Vanilla Buttercream and Marshmallow Fondant. Next week I get to make cake pops and cupcakes for the same little guy (for the kid’s party), and they’ll follow the same Captain America theme. I’ll have to do some brain storming about how to decorate them, so I can come up with something truly special and memorable. Stay tuned and stay sweet!


2 thoughts on “Captain America Shield Cake

  1. I’m making a Captain America cake for my own 4-year-old superhero fan this week. Any tips or directions on how to make and work with marshmallow fondant? Does it just sit right on top of the frosting? Does it make cutting difficult? Thanks for any tips!

    • The Captain America cake is a great beginner cake, due to it’s simple design- and no, fondant does not make it difficult to cut. It’s sort of like cutting through playdoh.
      Working with marshmallow fondant is a messy process, but if you work quickly, it’ll be alright. Here’s a link to the fondant I make:
      Only thing I do differently is that I don’t refrigerate it after kneading – I just roll it out and QUICKLY get it on the cake. To me, it tastes better when it’s fresh and unrefrigerated, but do whatever you feel comfortable with. One thing to remember is that you have to cover the cake in a layer of buttercream, so the fondant can adhere to the cake. Also when smoothing out the surface once the fondant is on, start at the top and work your way around the cake to get all of the air bubbles out. If you don’t, you might end up with bumps and saggy fondant. (I know from personal experience:) )This fondant can dry out fast, unlike store-bought rolled fondant, which is a little more forgiving.
      I hope this helps you a little….
      Good luck and posts some pics of your final project!!!

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