
While growing up, I was always in the kitchen helping Mom and Grandma make cookies using old recipes passed down through generations. I have always loved baking, and now consider myself a ‘home-schooled’ pastry chef.

This site will showcase special occassion cakes, sweet tables, cookies, and other desserts that I have done for people, while I work towards opening my very own Sugar Shindigs Shop!

For Gourmet Cupcakes, Specialty Cakes and Custom Cookies in or near Madison, WI:

Email Jessica Wilkerson: sugarshindigs@gmail.com

(815) 995-1405

6 thoughts on “About

  1. Not sure how to contact u…u did rehersal cookies for my sons wedding couple years ago. I need cupcakes or cookies for my grandsons birthday he likes pirates and show jake and neverland pirates. He is turning 3!

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